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Transcription Services
Transcription Services 2024

Transcription Services

MTM transcription team second by second transcribe news and programs broadcasted on TV and radio and create texts which have right spelling rules. Transcription service (Image/Voice record transcription), beside TV and radio records, seminar, conference, training program, interview, meeting records are also transcribed by the team.

MTM's expert teams transcribe all kind of voice records with great care...

Due to jabber or accented language, technical terms, low quality voice records, transcription is a demanding work for whom is not expert in this field.

MTM's experienced editors;

    Have a full command of the language,

    Have ability to transcribe spelling and grammar rules properly.

MTM has two kind of transcription services according to customer demand. First one; transcription without editing incoherency or grammar mistakes in conversation. Second option; transcribed texts are edited according to incoherency, spelling/grammar mistakes and are prepared for customer's use.
